105 Blue Top Road
Tazewell, TN 37879
M-Th, 7:00 – 5:30 (March thru November)
M-F, 7:00 – 3:30 (Nov. thru Feb.)

The Claiborne County Highway Department strives to maintain an excellent highway system for the citizens of Claiborne County. For problems in an emergency (after hours) please contact 911 and the Highway Department employees will be dispatched accordingly. During regular office hours please notify at the office number.
Construction of Roads/Driveways in Claiborne County
All new driveways connecting to a county road will need to contact the Highway Department and make an appointment with Road Superintendent or Foreman. We can assist in a correct design of the driveway and evaluate drainage problems with connections to the county roadway, that will alleviate future drainage problems. Also, all subdivision or mobile home park developments need to contact the Highway Department and the Claiborne County Planning Commission.
The Claiborne County Highway Department strives to maintain safety conditions and improve the quality of our county roads.
Personal property is not to be left on the right-of-way of county roads. The county needs to be able to manage the right-of-way for ditching, snow removal, and mowing. All obstructions located on county right-of-way will need to be removed for the proper maintenance and to ensure safety for the citizens of Claiborne County.
By working together we can make a difference.