Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 117
Tazewell, TN 37879
Physical Address:
1740 Main Street, Suite 105
Tazewell, TN 37879
Phone: 423-626-3325

Are your records accessible online?
Yes. All records from this office and you can reach them by calling B.I.S. Information Systems at 866-604-3673 or online.
Are your records available by fax?
How far back do your records date for Claiborne County?
Is this where I register my deed?
Yes, we record all types of deeds, assignments, releases, powers of attorney, and a variety of miscellaneous instruments.
What is the cost for recording my deed?
Warranty deeds are taxed at the rate of $3.70 per thousand dollars of value or consideration, whichever is greater. Trust deeds are exempt on the first $2,000.00 and taxable at the rate of $1.15 per thousand on the balance of the mortgage. Most instruments are priced with a minimum of $10.00 for 1 or 2 pages with an additional $5.00 for each page or each instrument included in the document. Every instrument has an additional $2.00 fee for data processing and $1.00 when tax is being collected.
How do I get a copy of my survey?
We will need to take a look at your deed to see if there is a plot or survey recorded. Not all properties have a recorded survey, in this case, you may want to get a copy of the tax map from the Assessor of Property.
What restrictions are on my property?
How many liens are on this property?
You are welcome to search the records in our office or hire an attorney or title company to do your research. We cannot clear the property for you to purchase.
I want to divide my property and deed a portion of it to my child. Where do I start?
Can you prepare a deed for me?
No. You must take a new recorded survey and a copy of your former deed to an attorney to have a new deed prepared. After this is finished, please bring it to this office for recording.
I have a copy of a power of attorney, deed, etc. Can I get this copy recorded?
We must have the original instrument. We cannot record copies.
Where can I find my property value or appraisal information?
The state keeps a record of this information.